Jason Robo, Laugh-terrorist

A cancelled “Racist, Sexist, Ableist” comedian if you listen to the lamestream media, or an intelligent, informative, and funny freedom fighter if you actually listen to me.

Welcome lovers, haters or those indifferent towards my existence. Here you can find a consolidated collection of my comedy mixes, writings, ramblings, etc. Hell, there is even a clip of me as a kid performing for the military industrial complex that I now revile. Ultimately I provide resources to see a world outside the narratives we are fed, which requires not having one’s head firmly planted in their posterior.

In the Help Yourself page you can see some of the books, documentaries and other resources I find insightful for better interpreting the world.

Learn more about my background in my Bio and check out My Stories to hear about my misadventures such as:
-trying to start a revolution in college and being removed like a cancer by the administration
-beating disorderly conduct charges in 2008 after putting stickers on a plane questioning the government narrative of September 11th 2001
-more recently being labelled a racist for challenging covid-19 narratives and polices at the San Diego board of stuporvisors

I even have an equally agile and intelligent service dog that goes with me everywhere.

I may do reviews on standup specials, books, movies, and documentaries, a sort of spliffs notes, since I often get baked like a cookie beforehand to write jokes and other insights.

Finally on a lighter note hope you enjoy my photography from my travels.